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2024 Q2 Roadmap update

· 5 min read
Sam Richards
MACI team lead

Greetings anons,

Happy April! Glad to have you hear. A few updates to share with you all.

Before we hop into our plans, let's take a look at Q1

Q1 in review

In Q1 we aimed at a few major goals that all tie together:

✅ Release MACI v1.2

We completed a significant refactor to simplify the codebase and improve developer experience. After an internal audit, revamped documentation & educational resources, we released a new MACI version the world - see our MACI v1.2 release post to read up on all the groovy benefits of that upgrade.

✅ integration, a quadratic funding (QF) project which has distributed millions of dollars to Ethereum public goods, is the longest-running production application built on MACI (since 2020!). Thanks primarily to the hard work of yuetloo, successfully upgraded from 0.x to our fresh v1.2 release.

✅ ETH Latam QF round

What better way to celebrate the annual Ethereum conference of Latam than with a QF round? We teamed up with ETH Latam to support their efforts to run a successful QF round on with this latest version of MACI. Over 60 attendees participated (using Zupass tickets as the round gatekeeper) to distribute over $30,000 DAI on Optimism to projects across Central America and the Carribean - view the results here!

✅ ETH Colombia QF round

Bonus points! Kudos also to the ETHColombia team who ran a QF round for their community on the #RoadToETHLatam - view the results here!

Q2 Roadmap

Now let's look ahead at what we're excited to build over the next few months:


RPGF has taken the public goods funding space by storm Building momentum ove the past years and stormed into the Zeitgeist after Optimisms monster >$100,000,000 round late last year. In February we proposed MACI as a solution for Optimism's RPGF tech stack, thanks to its strong guarantees of correct execution, cencorship resistance, privacy, collusion resistance.

Since we released a proof-of-concept MACI-RPGF implementation, we've received lots of positive feedback from the community and interest from communities in running RPGF rounds on MACI.

Part of our effort this quarter will include supporting community organizers to operate MACI-RPGF rounds in production. Stay tuned for updates here! If you're interested in running a round for your community, please get in touch.

We're excited to share that we'll continue to build out MACI-RPGF to be production-ready and to improve the funtionality and UX of this product.

🎯 MACI Coordinator Service

Speaking of UX improvements, from the years of supporting QF rounds on MACI we've learned a lot about the pain-points of community organizers running MACI rounds. The blunt truth is that many technical barriers to entry still exist - in order to operate a MACI poll (whether in a QF round or a simple voting application), you basically need a developer to deploy smart contracts, execute on-chain transations, and generate zero-knowledge proofs to guarantee the integrity of a MACI poll. This is no trivial feat, and as a result, MACI is simply not a viable option for many projects today.

We're aiming to change this by kick-starting development of a "Coordinator Service" to simplify the role of the coordinator, automate tasks, & remove technical ability as a barrier to running MACI-RPGF (and all MACI) rounds. This will include a web interface to deploy and operate MACI instances as well as generate and submit proofs on-chain. We're confident this will facilitate greater community adoption by offloading the technical overhead and domain knowledge currently required to use this technology stack.

More details to come on this soon.

🎯 MACI Core Protocol Improvements

After a thorough refactoring of MACI's code, which lead to the release of v1.2, we are now in position to integrate new features and improvements to the core protocol. As always, we are open to suggestions from the community, so if you have any ideas of a feature that should make it into MACI, please let us know!

Currently, we have a few ideas in mind:

Unconditional privacy

As of now, MACI's coordinator can track user key changes, and thus collude with bribers to deanonymize users. We are looking into ways to prevent this from happening. The 3227 team implemented a proof of concept for this, using El-Gamal to remove the link between a new MACI key and their original key. Furthermore, there is a proposal currently being discussed on how to implement anonymous poll signups, which would provide the same benefits of the El-Gamal protocol, though with a much better user experience.

Deployment Improvements

MACI's deployment process can certainly be made easier, and it is in our plans to improve this. We are looking into ways to make this cheaper, for instance by avoiding to deploy contracts which can be reused, as well as to make it more user-friendly, by providing a better interface to deploy MACI instances.

🎯 Support Gitcoin Allo protocol integration

Gitcoin has expressed interest in integrating MACI into their Allo protocol, their on chain stack for public good funding. We are currently in the process of supporting this integration, which is already underway, thanks to Nick Lionis and Tse Lao hackathon project.

We look forward to seeing this integration come to life and to supporting Gitcoin in their efforts to improve public goods funding on Ethereum. It is certainly great to see an increased interest in bribery resistance for funding public goods.

How does that sound?

Questions? Concerns? Ideas? We’d love to hear from you!

If there is a feature you think we should work on, or an initiative you'd like to collaborate with us on, please let us know! We welcome input from anyone in the community.

Onward and upward 🚀

New year, new MACI

· 5 min read
Sam Richards
MACI team lead

Greetings anons,

Happy 2024 and welcome to the new MACI documentation website and blog! Moving forward, we’ll post our latest project news and development updates here.

We have a few exciting announcements to share, but first, a quick review:

Overview of MACI


Minimal Anti-Collusion Infrastructure (MACI) is an on-chain voting system which protects privacy and minimizes the risk of collusion and bribery.

MACI is a set of smart contracts and zero-knowledge circuits upon which developers can build applications, such as voting applications or quadratic funding platforms. It was originally proposed by Vitalik Buterin in 2019, then implemented and maintained by community members with support from the Ethereum Foundation. It's now actively maintained within Privacy & Scaling Explorations (PSE).

Using MACI, voting is private, yet voting results are public. On-chain votes are encrypted, and no voter can prove how they voted, but final results are published publicly and verified on-chain with cryptographic proofs to prevent censorship, bribery, collusion, fraud, and other nefarious acts common in public polling processes.

To understand the promise of on-chain voting, start with Vitalik's post on blockchain voting. For a general overview, brief history, and context on the importance of MACI, check out the Release Announcement: MACI 1.0 by Wei Jie, one of the creators. He also created a helpful overview of MACI video. Kyle Charbonnet wrote a great Technical Introduction to MACI 1.0 that provides a walkthrough on how MACI operates. I also recently presented an introduction to MACI at Devconnect 2023.

MACI Vision

MACI is a public good that is quickly becoming a core piece of infrastructure for Ethereum-based applications to support on-chain voting while protecting user privacy.

Our MACI team’s vision is to build the most secure e-voting solution in the world.

Let's hop in to our updates to see how we plan to execute on this bold vision.

Project updates

New year, new team, new roadmap!

1) New team

Over the past few months we've undergone a lot of changes within MACI's core team. I'd like to take this chance to introduce and welcome our new core members!

MACI is now maintained and will be continuously be improved by our core team, which consists of:

Now is a great time to mention that we stand on the shoulders of giants. Many gigabrains have made heroic advancements in this project - a big "thank you" to all those who have contributed to date! There are too many people to list here, but calling out a few notable players:

  • Vitalik, Barry, Wei Jei for the original idea, architecture, initial implementation, and ongoing guidance
  • Recent team members that helped launched our v1.1.1 release and have since moved on: Q, Jei, Chao, and Daehyun

We're excited to carry the baton forward to bring the vision of MACI to reality!

2) New roadmap

As a team building in the open source space, we're taking a concerted effort to make our work more accessible and to foster more collaboration and feedback from our community. As part of this work, we're making our core team's roadmap public and will continue to do so.

Read our full 2024 roadmap here.

TL;DR: We'll be focusing most of our time on:

  1. Developer experience (documentation, tooling, refactoring) so that MACI is easier for projects to integrate and use
  2. Community engagement (integration support, hackathon bounties, conference presentations) to more quickly iterate and improve based off feedback
  3. Quadratic Funding Experiments to advance real-world adoption of this technology

We're happy to share that these efforts are already underway. We expect to release a new and improved version of MACI within the next month. We're exploring MACI integrations and are in discussions with projects including Gitcoin Grants Stack and Optimism RetroPFG on how MACI could provide collusion resistance to those systems. Major shoutout to (who became the first production project to integrate MACI back in 2020)! We're actively working with to help them upgrade their stack to the latest version of MACI. Expect to see announcements of upcoming MACI-enabled quadratic funding rounds soon!

3) New documentation

MACI now has a fresh new website, with revamped documentation!

We immediately recognized the need for improved educational content about MACI, as it's a complex project with several core components (ZK circuits, Ethereum smart contracts, TypeScript libraries). Whether you're a developer looking to integrate MACI into your application, an open-source developer interested in contributing, or a product manager seeking to understand the high-level mechanics of MACI, we want to hear from you in order to continuously improve your onboarding experience.

Please take a look and let us know what you think.

4) New community access

Whether you're interested in contributing to MACI or looking to stay up-to-date on the latest happenings, it's now much easier to stay connected with us and the community. Here are some ways you can keep in touch:

  • GitHub: open an issue or PR or join our discussions
  • Discord: join the PSE server and hop in the #🗳️-maci channel to chat with our core team
  • Twitter/X: follow our new handle @zkMACI for updates or to hit us up with feedback
  • This website: we'll continue to post updates here (at least 1 blog post every quarter, we promise 🤞)!

Expect to see announcements around new MACI releases, integrations, event participation (quadratic funding rounds, conferences, hackathons), and grant RFPs.

We look forward to collaborating closely with our open source community this year!

How does that sound?

Questions? Concerns? Ideas? We’d love to hear from you!

If there is a feature you think we should work on, or an initiative you'd like to collaborate with us on, please let us know! We welcome input from anyone in the community.

Onward and upward 🚀